Leg Up For Life

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Before I tested the leg.

This leg fits so much better.

This is the test socket it fits so nice I could stand all day!!

An update at last

Some of you may know that on June 23rd we had the carnival. We raised $10,000 that is a good start I would say. Each day someone else gives money to the fund. The amount is growing more and more. At the carnival we had leg events. We had Sportsplex gym come and they did some leg exercises and man let me tell you that doing those on one leg was rough. I think I need to go there and become an expert at those and have a wicked strong. That sounds like a good idea to me. Working out always sounds like a good idea and you really do feel good. You do really well then something happens that throws you off your rocker. UGH!!! Yes I am speaking of personal/current experience.

Faith and Miracels

I had a companion who is my dear friend share her faith with me and we saw miracels. In the mornings on the mission we would play soccer with other missionaries. One morning as Sisiter Parra (Tere) was playing her bracelet fell off. We got back to the apartment when she saw that her she looked at me and she that we needed to find it. We went back to the feild and had the serciutry gard let us back in to look; when he let us in he said "good luck" Tere looked at me and said "I don't believe in luck I believe in faith." Those words have stuck with me. Tere now is teaching me once again. Last saturday she fell out of a tree and broke her back now the doctors are saying she is paraliyzed. She is doing really good as she is in rehab.  She is learning how to get around with a wheelchair and with her new self.